Applications Manager default tomcat is down

Applications Manager default tomcat is down

If your Tomcat Monitor is down, it could probably be due to changes in Hostname/IP address of the machine in which Applications Manager is installed.
You can verify the same using the steps given below:
  1. Navigate to <Applications_Manager_Home>/conf/ file. Check the am.appmanager.hostname key and verify if the hostname is correct.
  2. Navigate to 'Edit monitor' page, and verify if the Hostname/IP address has been configured correctly.
  3. Verify the IP address by running the command  ipconfig (For Windows) (or) ifconfig (For Linux) in command prompt. If you see any discrepancies, modify the monitor with the correct Hostname/IP address.
  4. If the problem isn't resolved, use localhost instead of the already configured Hostname/IP address.
If the issue still persists, you can reach out to our support team by sending the screenshot of the error obtained to along with the latest Support Information File (SIF) from Applications Manager with print all logs enabled for analysis.

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