Windows services application startup issues

Application startup issue with Windows Services

Upon starting the application from Windows Services (from the windows server), if you receive an error like "Error2: The system cannot find the file specified", please follow the below steps to fix the issue:

** Right-click on the ManageEngine ServiceDeskPlus - MSP services and click properties.

**  Check for the exact path under "Path to executable".
"C:\Program Files\ManageEngine\ServiceDeskPlus-MSP\bin\wrapper.exe" -s "C:\Program Files\ManageEngine\ServiceDeskPlus-MSP\conf\wrapper.conf"
(Please note: the quotes mentioned here are mandatory, with out the quotes or any other path than this is specified, the above error message will be displayed)

** If the path needs to be modified, please open the "Registry Editor" and check for the below key:
Find the service you want to redirect (servicedeskmsp), locate the ImagePath subkey and change the value.

** Restarting the windows server is required to process the change.

** Once the restart is done, try to start the service of the application to login to the UI of the SDP MSP application.

(This same error is not applicable for starting the application using Command Prompt <run.bat file>, though the same can be run using the batch file, when as an admin you try to start the application using the windows services and face the error message, please follow the steps above to fix the same). 

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