APMInsight Data Cleanup Standalone script - Usage

APMInsight Data Cleanup Standalone script - Usage

The APMInsight Data clean up standalone script can be used to clean up the data tables for below :

Data / Table 
Partition tables
These data tables are used to store the performance metric raw data for APM Insight Monitors for every minute. 
Stray tables
These data tables are not in use currently. They might be left stray, with no lookup entries. ( Left stray from upgrades to builds before 15280 ). 
Retention period
This specifies the APM Insight Raw Data Retention Period and can be found in
Admin -> Performance Polling -> APM Insight -> Raw Data Retention Period

The traces found in APM Insight -> Traces Tab are stored in the custom path specified at 

<APM_Home>/working/apminsight/conf/apminsight.properties -> apminsight.tracesdir 

Current Partition Tables
These data tables are used to store the current week's raw performance data.
Older Partition Tables
These data tables have performance metric raw data older than the retention period.

Steps to Execute Script:

  1. Open Command prompt or Terminal and Navigate to <APPMANAGER_HOME>/bin
  2. Execute the below mentioned command:
APMInsightDataCleanup.bat <OPTIONS>
sh APMInsightDataCleanup.sh <OPTIONS>

It does clean up of stray tables , partition tables and trace files - which are older than retention period.
sh APMInsightDataCleanup.sh olderdata
APMInsightDataCleanup.bat olderdata
It is used to delete only the stray tables (which are no longer used.)
sh APMInsightDataCleanup.sh stray
APMInsightDataCleanup.bat stray
It is used to delete only the partition tables which are older than retention period.
sh APMInsightDataCleanup.sh olderpartitionsAPMInsightDataCleanup.bat olderpartitions
It used to delete only the trace files older than retention period.
sh APMInsightDataCleanup.sh oldertracesAPMInsightDataCleanup.bat oldertraces
It will delete all partition tables, trace files ( current and older than retention period. )
sh APMInsightDataCleanup.sh fullAPMInsightDataCleanup.bat full

Sample Execution :



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