Analytics - SupportCenter Plus integration PKIX path building failed (for SCP 11.0)

Analytics - SupportCenter Plus integration PKIX path building failed (for SCP 11.0)

While syncing Analytics Reports, this error may appear where the self-signed certificate to sync both Analytics Reports and SCP will be missing. These traces (mentioned below) can be viewed in the file zrmeinteglog0.txt under the location  \ManageEngine\SupportCenterPlus\Logs.

Error Trace in logs:

[11:27:09:057]|[07-19-2021]|[com.manageengine.zrmeinteg.framework.ZRSDPFrameWorkImpl]|[SEVERE]|[75]: FAILURE :Could not update the configuration settings as an exception while saving the Advanced Analytics Configuration Details.<br><br> Please report the problem to the system administrator. Support file will have the error trace to analyze the problem and which can be created at Support -> Create Support File.|
[11:27:09:071]|[07-19-2021]|[com.manageengine.zrmeinteg.framework.ZRSDPFrameWorkImpl]|[INFO]|[75]: Exception in getting users info and license info from analyics| PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target

1. Stop the application service.

2. Download the file from the link given below and extract the contents of "certgeneration_windows" folder to the SupportCenter Plus Home directory using 7zip so that lib folder is merged:

As Attached

As Attached

3. Execute the below command:


<Drive>:\ManageEngine\SupportCenterPlus> gencert.bat
ex : gencert.bat
(You can mention the hostname of the Analytics Plus server )


4. You will receive an exception PKIX. On supplying the value 1, a file called jssecacerts is generated in the <Directory>\ManageEngine\SupportCenterPlus.

5. Copy and place the jssecacerts file under \ManageEngine\SupportCenterPlus\jre\lib\security folder. If you already have an existing jssecacerts file, kindly take a backup of the file by creating a folder called Cacert_Backup under the same directory

6. Start the application and Try the re-sync.

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