Alerts Stopped Triggering or Delayed | Online help - EventLog Analyzer

What to do if the Alerts stopped triggering or is getting delayed?

  1. Open the EventLog Analyzer GUI, go to the Alerts tab ⇾ click on "More tools" at the right-top corner and click on "Manage Profiles".

  2. Ensure the alert profile is enabled.

  3. Click on "Update" next to the Alert Profile name, ensure that the "Email Notification" is enabled and configured accordingly.

  4. Click on "Reconfigure Mail Server", check if the Mail Server details are correct, and send a test email for confirmation.

  5. In the "Manage Profiles" page, choose the "Date & Time range" as 'Today' and check whether the total "No. of alerts" has reached the daily limit.

  6. If yes, go to the Settings tab ⇾ Admin Settings ⇾ Product Settings ⇾ and increase the "Daily Email Limit" value or disable it.

  7. Check if the Alert dump (unprocessed alerts) are being dumped in the <Dir>:\ManageEngine\EventLog Analyzer\Data\AlertDump folder.
  8. If yes, collect the recent alert dump file and the <dir>:\ManageEngine\EventLog Analyzer\logs folder to check with the development team.

Note: Post upgrading to 12160, the customer will get an email "Email limit Exceeded" if the threshold is reached.

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