Agent related to FAQ's

Agent related to FAQ's

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                    • Related Articles

                    • How does Agent Scan work ?

                      When you install Agent for the first time, It will initiate the scan immediately and send the data via application port (8080 or 443 as you configured) to Server. But when you scan from the Application, It will first try to check whether the client ...
                    • SDP Scan offerings a glance

                      There are several use cases to be addressed to scan user machines. Here are the solutions available with SDP now. - User machine rarely reaches the organization domain / Network (user login once a week using VPN and other times using local ...
                    • Agent scan understanding

                      Agent scan in ServiceDesk plus happens in two way 1) Server to target machine  2) Agent from Machine to Server MODE 1:  1) Server to target machine        -This scan happens when you login to ServiceDesk plus \ Asset explorer from your workstation or ...
                    • Asset Scan Issues

                      1. Either access denied for the user or the remote DCOM option might be disabled in the workstation. 2. User does not have the access privileges to perform this operation. 3. One of the WMI components is not registered properly. 4. Execution failure ...
                    • Criteria for successful agent scanning

                      1. Ensure that the agent services are running in the client machine under services.msc 2. In the application, under Admin >> Security Settings >> Ensure Stop uploading scanned XMLs via non-login URL is unchecked. 3. If ICMP is blocked in the network ...