Advanced Analytics Sync Failure

Advanced Analytics Sync Failure

A+ Sync fails post 14730 upgrade.

Error Trace:
Exception occured while advanced analytics data upload|
java.lang.Exception: No select column(s) found.
at com.manageengine.framework.sqlbuilder.QueryGenerator.addSelectColumnDetails(
at com.manageengine.framework.sqlbuilder.QueryGenerator.getSelectQuery(
at com.manageengine.framework.sqlbuilder.QueryGenerator.getSelectQuery(
at com.manageengine.zrmeinteg.sync.ZRMEUploadData.uploadDataToAdvancedAnalytics(
at com.manageengine.zrmeinteg.sync.DataSyncer.invokeSync(
at com.manageengine.zrmeinteg.sync.DataSyncer.startUploadData(
at com.manageengine.zrmeinteg.sync.ZRScheduleDataUploader.executeTask(
at com.adventnet.taskengine.internal.SchedulerBean.executeTask(

  1. Kindly replace the <MSP_Home>\zreports\reference\sync\conf\ZRMEModules.xml with the attached file.
  2. Repopulate and re-sync once to resolve the issue.
Compatible for MSP/SCP 14730 only.

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