Customize Login page and add JS scripts

Customize Login page and add JS scripts

Customize Login Page

  1. Start by going to Advanced Portal Settings (or Application Settings under ESM Directory) and click on "Customize Now" under Login Page Customizaion
  2. Start editing the HTML content to suit your needs by adding style/css content, and save and check your progress by opening the login page in another browser.
Note: Some JS script and other content may get truncated on save due to security reasons as we run this html content through our content filters.

Adding JS Scripts:

  1. To add JS and other restricted content, navigate to <sdp>/custom/Login/
  2. Modify both custom.html and Login.html to suit your needs and check your progress by reloading the login page in another browser.
Note: The changes need to be present in custom.html too to ensure the changes are carried forward even after application upgrade

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