Unassociated Account/sites are visible for technicians

Unassociated Account/sites are visible for technicians


-> When trying to associate only one account or site for a technician there is an issue where other account and sites are automatically associated 

-> Even though the technician is given the role "SDAccount Admin" they automatically get access to all the accounts and sites 

-> Custom Role Provided for a technician , still he is able to view extra Accounts / Sites.


-> Due to the change in behavior of the application we do not have the "default technician" option which was available in the older versions below 10.6

-> In the latest versions from 10.6, when a technician is given the role "SDAccount Admin" and associated with only one account he may get access to all the accounts if any of the non-associated account site is under default site settings

-> Also if it is an custom role, please check if that role is having the access "All Associated Accounts" because that works similar to SDAccount Admin role


-> When you want to give complete access for a technician only for some particular accounts and sites, provide the role "SDSite Admin"

-> If it is a custom role, make sure the role is given the access "All Associated sites"

-> When this role is given the technician will have access to only the accounts and sites which are associated to them 

Scenario : 2

In Some cases , for custom role technician , extra accounts / sites are automatically getting added.

This occurs, if this extra account associated has a Site whose related settings is refer to the other site which is actually associated to him.

Please edit the Extra account's Site (which is automatically associated to them)  -> and refer to the Refer settings as shown below. If the associated site is set , then these sites will be automatically associated. To resolve change the settings to custom settings.


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