Troubleshoot Debug Script Files
How to execute ServerSSHTroubleshoot.bat or sh file ?
Solution: Execute the file ServerSSHTroubleshoot.bat or sh from the <AppManager_home>\bin\troubleshooting folder (<AppManager_home>\bin in older versions of Applications Manager). Via command Prompt Execute the ServerSSHTroubleshoot.bat or sh file. ...
How to execute WebsphereMQDebug.bat /
This file is used to check if the connectivity and the Discovery of the Websphere MQ Server is possible from the Applications Manager server. This standalone program is an excerpt of the same process we use to add the Websphere MQ Server monitor. The ...
How can I update the server IP in the database?
Follow these steps to update the server IP in the database: 1) Execute <AppManager_Home>\bin\troubleshooting\UpdateIP.bat file with the old and new hostname as arguments. For example, updateIp.bat [mysql port] [previous IpAddress] [new ...
How can I execute UpdateHostnameandIP.bat/sh ?
Here are the steps to execute UpdateHostnameandIP.bat/sh: 1) Execute <AppManager_Home>\bin\troubleshooting\UpdateHostaneandIP.bat/sh file. For example, updateHostNameAndIp.bat/sh [Previous HostName/IpAddress] [new HostName/IpAddress] ...
How do I update the server name in the database?
Here is how you can update the server name in the datatbase: 1) Execute <AppManager_Home>\bin\troubleshooting\updateHostName.bat file with the old and new hostname as arguments. For example: updateHostName.bat [mysql port] [previous hostname] ...
How can I execute SybaseDebug.bat/
This file is used to check if the connectivity and the Discovery of the Sybase Server is possible from the Applications Manager installed server. This standalone program is a excerpt of the same process we use to add the Sybase Server monitor. The ...
How can I execute an smtpTest.bat / ?
This file is used to check if the connectivity and the Discovery of the SMTP Server is possible from the Applications Manager installed server. This standalone program is a excerpt of the same process we use to add the SMTP Server monitor. The usage ...
How can I execute a SharePoint.bat / file?
This file is used to check if the connectivity and the Discovery of the Sharepoint Server is possible from the Applications Manager installed server. This standalone program is a excerpt of the same process we use to add the Sharepoint Server ...
How can I execute the popTest.bat / file?
This file is used to check if the connectivity and the Discovery of the POP Server is possible from the Applications Manager installed server. This standalone program is a excerpt of the same process we use to add the POP Server monitor. The usage ...
How can I execute the OracleDebug.bat /
This file is used to check if the connectivity and the Discovery of the Oracle Server is possible from the Applications Manager installed server. This standalone program is a excerpt of the same process we use to add the Oracle Server monitor. The ...
How can I execute a MySQLDebug.bat / file?
This file is used to check if the connectivity and the Discovery of the MySQL Server is possible from the Applications Manager installed server. This standalone program is a excerpt of the same process we use to add the MySQL Server monitor. The ...
How can I execute a MsSQLDebug.bat / file?
This file is used to check if the connectivity and the Discovery of the MsSQL Server is possible from the Applications Manager installed server. This standalone program is a excerpt of the same process we use to add the MsSQL Server monitor. The ...
How CAN I execute jbossDebug.bat / file?
This file is used to check if the connectivity and the Discovery of the Jboss Server is possible from the Applications Manager installed server. This standalone program is a excerpt of the same process we use to add the Jboss Server monitor. The ...
How can I execute the GlassFishDebug.bat / file?
Note: Although the script name mentions GlassFish Server, the script file can be used for troubleshooting any monitor connectivity issues, that comes under JMX mode of monitoring like JMXApplications, Apache Zookeeper, Apache Geronimo etc., This file ...
How to execute ExchangeServer.bat?
Solution: This file is used to check if the connectivity and the Discovery of Exchange Server is possible from the Applications Manager server. This standalone program is an excerpt of the same process we use to add the Exchange Server monitor. The ...
How can I execute a DB2Debug.bat / file?
This file is used to check if the connectivity and the Discovery of the DB2 server is possible from the Applications Manager installed server. This standalone program is a excerpt of the same process we use to add the DB2 monitor. The usage to run ...
How can I execute the ActiveDirectory.bat troubleshooting file ?
This file is used to check if the connectivity and the Discovery of the ActiveDirectory is possible from the Applications Manager installed server. This standalone program is a excerpt of the same process we use to add the Active Directory ...