General FAQs
How to configure Output Settings for Script Monitor?
Below are the details on how to configure Script Monitor Output Settings and expected output format, Output Configuration: Expected Output File Format: In the output file, Scalar data should be separated by scalar delimiter, here name, cpu, javaHeap ...
How to import ApplicationsManager certificate in PAM ?
To import the ApplicationsManager Certificate into PAM, follow these steps: 1. Navigate to the PAM installation directory/bin 2. Run the command 'sh FILENAME' with the certificate name set to the hostname of the ApplicationsManager ...
Integrating Password Manager with Applications Manager (Beta)
The integration with Password Manager products is in beta phase and has been supported since Applications Manager v174400. Steps to Make Password Manager Integration Visible in Settings > Integrations in Applications Manager Log in to Applications ...
Monitoring Oracle standby databases in Applications Manager
Do we support Oracle Standby Database monitoring? Yes, we do. How to connect to the Standby/Standalone Oracle database which is in MOUNTED mode? To connect to an Oracle database in STANDBY MOUNTED or normal MOUNTED mode, you must use the sysdba user ...
Troubleshooting Nutanix Monitor Handshake error in Applications Manager
If you encounter a handshake error while trying to access a Nutanix monitor, follow these steps to troubleshoot and resolve the issue: Ensure that all validations are performed from the machine where Applications Manager is installed. Verify Port and ...
How to resolve WMI Monitoring Issues due to Disabled Performance Counters
Applications Manager uses WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation) for collecting performance metrics. In some cases, specific WMI classes (e.g., Win32_PerfRawData_PerfProc_Process) fail to retrieve data if performance counters are disabled in the ...
Unable to connect to the host / port
Follow the below steps to troubleshoot the error Make sure the service you're trying to connect to is actually running on the designated host. Verify whether the port number is correct. If the monitor supports SSL, try enabling or disabling the SSL ...
Service is not running error troubleshooting
Follow the below steps to troubleshoot the error Check if the service instance is running in the host name specified. Check if the port number is given correctly. Retry with the "SSL is enabled" option both enabled and disabled in the add/edit ...
How to Configure Process Templates using Regex
Process templates enable efficient tracking of specific processes on target systems. By using REGEX (regular expressions) within templates, you can match dynamic or variable process names and arguments, making monitoring more flexible and precise. ...
How to upload certificate for implementing Docker connection
Client Certificate Authentication: To enable this option, you must have Client Certificate Authentication enabled for the Docker server you wish to monitor. Place the certificate in the following directory: AppManager_Home\working\Cert\Docker. Please ...
Monitor Addition Restriction in Managed Servers
In Applications Manager, there is a fixed limit on the total number of monitors a user can add to a managed server. When a user attempts to add a new monitor to a managed server that has reached its limit, a warning message will be displayed on the ...
Add new Managed server with existing server ID
To add a new managed server with an existing server ID, follow these steps: 1. Install the App Manager Professional Edition (Ensure it's the same as the Admin version). Refer this link for more details. 2. Update the 'am.server.startresidrange' as ...
Troubleshoot - SAP Business One connectivity.
Ensure that the Integration framework for 'SAP Business One' is installed and accessible from the 'Applications Manager' server. To validate the connectivity please execute the following API request from the 'Applications Manager' server: POST URL: ...
Troubleshoot - File Monitor added in Windows Server
TroubleShoot WMI services : Complete the following procedure to check whether the target server is responding appropriately to remote WMI requests that originate from the Application Manager server: Log on to the Application Manager server with an ...
How to generate alarm history for more than 30 days
In Applications Manager, the alarm history for a monitor's attribute is preserved for a period of 30 days. This encompasses various metrics such as health, availability, and performance (individual attributes such as CPU Utilization, Memory ...
Troubleshooting WinRM errors
This KB serves as a guide for troubleshooting errors when using the WinRM mode of data collection. First, ensure that all the following conditions are met: Refer to the below link and check if all the WinRM prerequisites have been completed properly ...
How to find out the resource ID of a monitor/monitor group in Applications Manager?
While executing the REST API in Applications Manager, you might need to mention the resource ID for a monitor or a monitor group. Following are the parameters used for referring to a monitor or monitor group in a REST API: resourceid - Resource ID of ...
How to change Applications Manager directory from one drive to another?
Follow the below steps to change the Applications Manager folder directory from one drive to another: Please copy the Applications Manager folder from the source drive and paste the same on the destination drive. Stop the Applications Manager service ...
Script/Custom Monitors - Alarms configured for Table rows were missing
In the Applications manager , users have the ability to manage the table rows of a script or custom monitor type according to their specific requirements. This can be done by enabling the "Enable Script Row Deletion" option. For example, let's ...
Folder path to view the .NET Core agent logs
The logs of the .NET Core agent can be found at the destination that was configured during the agent installation. E.g ./InstallAgent.ps1 -Destination "G:\.NET_Core_Agent" -InstallType "local" -LicenseKey ...
Unable to update Daylight Saving Time (DST) in Applications Manager
Issue: The server System Time present in the bottom left corner of the Applications Manager UI does not display the Daylight Saving Time (DST) difference. It has a 1-hour time difference from the actual time. Reason: The Daylight Saving Time (DST) ...
Monitoring a Clustered RabbitMQ setup in APM
For Monitoring RabbitMQ, Applications Manager uses the Management Plugin provided by default RabbitMQ installations to collect performance metrics. The Management plugin provides a series of API endpoints required to monitor the target RabbitMQ ...
95th Percentile and Moving Average calculation
95th Percentile The 95th percentile is a number that is greater than 95% of the numbers in a given set. The reason this statistic is so useful in measuring data throughput is that it gives a very accurate picture of the maximum traffic generated on ...
Configure "/server-status" page for IBM HTTP server
In order to monitor an IBM HTTP server in Applications Manager, the '/server-status' page must be configured on the target IBM HTTP server that needs to be monitored. This can be accomplished by following these steps: Step 1 - Enable the ...
Configure "/server-status" page for Oracle HTTP server
In order to monitor an Oracle HTTP server in Applications Manager, the '/server-status' page must be configured on the target Oracle HTTP server that needs to be monitored. This can be accomplished by following these steps: Step 1 - Enable the ...
Queries to collect data before Id migration/Migrating from Professional to Enterprise Edition
Collect query output from Managed server / Professional Edition: To check Id range : Select min(resourceid),max(resourceid) as AM_ManagedObject from AM_ManagedObject where resourceid > 10000000; Select count(*) as AM_ManagedObject_Count from ...
User Privilege for DamengDB Monitoring
To effectively monitor DamengDB in Applications Manager, the Monitor user must be granted the Data Viewer privilege. To grant this privilege to the newly created user, please follow the steps given below: Connect to your DamengDB instance using a ...
Permissions required for Non-Admin user to monitor Microsoft Monitors
1) To enable WMI permissions for the non admin account follow the steps mentioned in the below link. As an alternative to Steps 1-6 in the ...
Data Retention in Applications Manager
Following are the different types of data that are retained for generating reports in Applications Manager: Attribute data Polled data This comprises of the data collected for the attributes in each poll of the monitor. This data is used to generate ...
Steps to configure AWS RDS database as Applications Manager's back-end
Browse through the following topics to configure AWS RDS as a database backend in Applications Manager: Note: Make sure to verify the DB permissions required to run Applications Manager. Learn more Steps to configure AWS RDS - PostgreSQL database The ...
Cron job addition
Steps to configure cron job 1)Check whether curl is installed in the system where cron jobs are running, by executing the below command in terminal $curl -V Output should be similar as below 2)Check the script added in the cron job addition is having ...
Process in AppManager UI is shown as down while the process is up and running in the machine
Every time a server restarts, the PID of the processes get updated. So the processes added in the monitor will be shown as down. It is recommended that you have static contents alone in the process Commands and Args. It is also recommended that you ...
AppManager disk is full - I want to clear some space
Increased Applications Manager database utilization could have increased the Applications Manager Disk size. To clear some space, follow the steps below: 1. In the <AppManager_Home>\working\heapdump directory, check if any old files are present and ...
Publish Applications Manager Dashboard to my website without any credentials
In Applications Manager you can publish the dashboard in your web portal or on TV. However, you must ensure that the Applications Manager UI is accessible from the machine where you want to publish the dashboard. From AppManager UI --> Home tab --> ...
Do I need SSL Certificate for Applications Manager?
It is not necessary to use an SSL Certificate to access Applications Manager through an SSL connection. However, you'll need an SSL Certificate for certain Monitors to work and to enforce better security. You can refer to the steps given in the below ...
Need to access AppManager using Public IP: How do I make my Applications Manager accessible over the Internet?
To to access AppManager over the internet: Navigate to the <AppManager_Home>\Conf directory, open file and update the am.external.hostname= key with the public IP Address . Note: You need to restart Applications Manager for the ...
Information about "Unknown Monitors"
When you add Monitors like MS SQL or any Service Server type, the host of the database will automatically get discovered as an "Unknown monitor". This monitor will consume a license. You can choose to edit and update the correct details of the host ...
Unable to upgrade Applications Manager - MySQL Deprecation
Problem: You encounter the following error while trying to install service pack for Applications Manager v16140 and above: Reason: This error occurs because MySQL backend database has been deprecated in Applications Manager. Solution: You have to ...
Troubleshooting Server Authentication Failures in Applications Manager
If you encounter authentication failures in server monitors in Applications Manager, refer and choose the links from the below list to troubleshoot the issue. You can choose the troubleshooting steps based on the type of authentication failure. ...
How to find Command Prompt value for server monitors in Applications Manager
To add a server monitor with SSH/Telnet in Applications Manager, you need to specify the Command Prompt value. You can find this value in two ways: 1. From the target server: In the server that you want to monitor, open a command prompt window. The ...
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