WS-C6509-E High Memory Utilization

WS-C6509-E High Memory Utilization

I'm monitoring the Core Switch and it is showing 95% of memory utilization. I did a quick check on the device but getting different result.
       sh platform hardware capacity cpu:
      CPU Resources
              CPU utilization: Module             5 seconds       1 minute       5 minutes
                                           1                  17% /  5%            18%             18%
                                           2                   3% /  3%             7%              7%
                                           5  RP               1% /  5%             2%              2%
                                           5  SP               7% /  5%             7%              7%
              Processor memory: Module   Bytes:       Total           Used           %Used
                                                 1                1073741824      314224640       29%
                                                 2                1073741824      300564480       28%
                                               5  RP            1073741824      414871552       39%
                                               5  SP            1073741824      463732736       43%
              I/O memory: Module         Bytes:       Total           Used           %Used
                                      1                           6291456        4366432           69%
                                      2                           9961352        7922360           80%
                                      5  RP                     8388608        7067664           84%
                                      5  SP                     8388608        4456304           53%

       sh mem
      System Memory: 1048576K total, 405081K used, 643495K free, 1000K kernel reserved
      Lowest(b)    : 658870272

I would like to find out if there's bug or what can we do to make the results match to each other to avoid any false alarm. Thank you.

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