WorkOrder_Fields field created, not shown on list, but synched in analytics

WorkOrder_Fields field created, not shown on list, but synched in analytics


This is a problem sometimes happen in our MSP 9408 build

When creating a WorkOrder additional field, SDP says it's ok, but then it isn't shown on the list.
Surprisingly, later is imported on Analytics Plus, so, somehow, it exists...

Let's say we create a WorkOrder field named "Linea", as a PickList text
if I query all the files in "columnaliases", it isn't shown
In the results, the last one columname in table WorkOrder_Fields is  UDF_CHAR40, so I "Linea" to be UDF_CHAR41, but it doesn't exist

Checking later AnalyticsPlus, the field "Linea" is imported correctly, and it's shown on the logs

[10:48:19:433]|[07-07-2020]|[com.manageengine.zrmeinteg.framework.ZRSDPFrameWorkImpl]|[INFO]|[61]: adding columns name UDF_CHAR41|
[10:48:19:456]|[07-07-2020]|[com.manageengine.zrmeinteg.framework.ZRSDPFrameWorkImpl]|[INFO]|[61]: type MULTI_LINEadding columns name UDF_CHAR41|

This happens once in a while, and usually, when trying to recreate the field, SDP as a crash

what could be happening? How can I check if "Linea" exists somwhere in SDP, as it is imported on Analytics?

thanks in advance

                  New to ADSelfService Plus?