Worklog details summed

Worklog details summed


SELECT wo.WORKORDERID "Request ID",max(qd.QUEUENAME) "Group",max(ti.FIRST_NAME) "Technician",max(aau.FIRST_NAME) "Requester",max(wo.TITLE) "Subject",max(wo.DESCRIPTION)"Description",SUM(rc.MM2COMPLETEREQUEST)/3600000 "Sum of Time Elapsed in HRS",sum(rc.amount)"Amount" FROM WorkOrder wo LEFT JOIN WorkOrderStates wos ON wo.WORKORDERID=wos.WORKORDERID LEFT JOIN SDUser td ON wos.OWNERID=td.USERID LEFT JOIN AaaUser ti ON td.USERID=ti.USER_ID LEFT JOIN WorkOrder_Queue woq ON wo.WORKORDERID=woq.WORKORDERID LEFT JOIN QueueDefinition qd ON woq.QUEUEID=qd.QUEUEID LEFT JOIN WorkOrder_Fields wof ON wo.WORKORDERID=wof.WORKORDERID LEFT JOIN RequestCharges rc ON wo.WORKORDERID=rc.WORKORDERID LEFT JOIN SDUser sdu ON wo.REQUESTERID=sdu.USERID LEFT JOIN AaaUser aau ON sdu.USERID=aau.USER_ID 
WHERE wo.CREATEDTIME >= <from_thisweek> AND wo.CREATEDTIME <= <to_thisweek>
GROUP BY wo.workorderid

How to compare date column with auto filled date templates?
  1. Here is the example for getting this week data - CREATEDTIME >= <from_thisweek> AND CREATEDTIME <= <to_thisweek>
    • <from_thisweek> - Starting date of this week
    • <to_thisweek> - Ending date of this week
  2. Available Date Templates
    • Today - <from_today> - <to_today>
    • This week - <from_thisweek> - <to_thisweek>
    • Last week - <from_lastweek> - <to_lastweek>
    • This month - <from_thismonth> - <to_thismonth>
    • Last month - <from_lastmonth> - <to_lastmonth>
    • This quarter - <from_thisquarter> - <to_thisquarter>
    • Last quarter - <from_lastquarter> - <to_lastquarter>
    • Yesterday - <from_yesterday> - <to_yesterday>
Krishna Bharat

ServiceDesk Plus - MSP Support team.

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