Wish list

Wish list

Hello ManageEngine guys !

We bought your ADManager Plus product recently, and tested it for a couples of weeks now.

Here are some wishes we have :

Email Reports :

The reports sent by email are all zipped in .zip files. We cannot then preview it in the Outlook app.
Is it possible to change the file type (or to not zip it), as we can directly consult the report on the Outlook app ?

User creation  Templates  :

Is it possible to include the "Contains" choice in the list, in the rule pane of a template ?
The only parameter by now is "is", so this means it should be an exact value.

Server pools :

We would like to create pools of servers, so we can check the "Automatic" option at user creation. 
We have some databases and servers dedicated for specific users/services, but at the moment, it's a totally random choice out of any server/database discovered.

Naming Format :

We have some compsed names, like "Jean-Michel" or "Anne-France" and so on. The policy for the username, is that any composed name, should result in this : Anne-France Dupont --> afdupon (So the first letter of each first name, and the five first letters of the last name)
Is it possible to do so ?

Custom script :

We would like to, based on a specific value set in a field (like "City") in a User Creation, launch a specific script.
In other words, we would need a rule to run a specific script based on certain conditions.

If anyhting isn't clear enough, feel free to ask.

Thank you & best regards,

Dache Julien

                  New to ADSelfService Plus?