Why tracking customer satisfaction alone isn't enough

Why tracking customer satisfaction alone isn't enough

Today's help desks are entirely customer centric, and everyone from technicians to managers play their part in making sure customers remain satisfied with the services delivered. Technicians constantly look for ways to provide swift and high-quality solutions. IT managers play their part by keeping a close watch on metrics that directly have an effect on customer satisfaction. These metrics include first response time, request resolution time, service delivery time etc.,

 A more direct approach to improving customer satisfaction is to keep a track of the areas or categories where customers are least happy. Identifying such areas is the first step in coming up with corrective measures and improve satisfaction rates. A simple report like the one given below can help you identify areas where customers are most dissatisfied. 

This report illustrates the request categories and the number of requests that failed to meet customer satisfaction levels across the different quarters. Segmenting requests into different financial quarters helps compare the results among different time periods and spot patterns. Using this report, help desk managers can single out categories that need immediate attention and work towards improving customer satisfaction. 

This is an out-of-the-box report offered when you integrate ServiceDesk Plus with Analytics Plus. Click the button below to explore more interesting reports and dashboards for ServiceDesk Plus.

If you don't have Analytics Plus already, click here to download a free, 30-day trial. 

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