Why OPM ver12.2 add IP SLA WAN monitor have to configure traps rtf first

Why OPM ver12.2 add IP SLA WAN monitor have to configure traps rtf first

Following are the steps to enable WAN monitoring in OpManager:

1. Configure the Cisco Routers to send traps to OpManager

To configure OpManager machine as the SNMP Server receiving traps for the routers, telnet the router and use the following command:

snmp-server host <opmanager server IP> traps <host community string> rtr

For instance, if the OpManager host IP Address is, and the community string is private, the command would be:

snmp-server host <opmanager server IP> traps private rtr

2. Add a WAN Monitor

  • Configure the correct SNMP read and write community string in the SNMP Credentials for the device.

But no any traps received!,,
So no IP SLA Source device list at OPM.

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