Who else wants Hour:Min granularity in schedule/availability modules?

Who else wants Hour:Min granularity in schedule/availability modules?

I would like to set technician availability, but it seems this is only available on a day by day basis, not hourly. I would like to set availability to the hour and minute, so that I am able to schedule after-hours on-call technician schedules, and allow technician auto-assign to auto-assign to the on-call technician, when all other technicians are unavailable, after hours. 

It seems I am unable to do this, as the scheduler seems not to have hour/minute settings, only day settings. I assume operational hours dictate the actual start/end of the technician availability, which is problematic, as we have many sites to which these technicians are assigned, yet they are physically in one place, one time zone, and need to sleep at some point. This is why I would like to schedule availability to the hour/minute. 

Please advise on how this may be possible.

^I sent this to MEngine (MSP-SDP) support, and was told to discuss it in the forums, because while they are planning to implement this eventually, it will depend on whether it is a useful functionality, as measured by popularity in these forums, and other customer reports. 

If you have a workaround for this issue, or want this type of granularity implemented, add to this post!

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