When Logging a call, business unit shouldn't matter

When Logging a call, business unit shouldn't matter

We have techs who are support reps in more than one business unit.  When they log a call, they are prompted with the following screen, where they search for an existing customer
The way the system works now, if they are in the incorrect business unit at the time they log the call, the system will say that the contact is not found, even though the contact exists in another business unit.
The support rep who is taking the call may not know off the top of his head which business unit the caller is located in.  But he shouldn't have to worry about it.  His attention needs to be on the customer who he is on the phone with.
So my suggestion is that when logging a call, the support rep should be able to search for the customer and it should look in ALL the business units to find that contact, and then automatically log that call into the correct business unit.

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