Just received the banner in EPC telling me that a "new" version is available and that I should update ASAP.
Last time I remember a major version change coming along - my EPC install was basically killed off and it took several days to get working again.
For those that have gone ahead and updated - what has the experience been? Is there anything better/worse about 11 vs the 10 series.
The big one for me (and I cannot seem to find anything on it) is - has any of the promises that ManageEngine made over the last months about fixing the utterly destroyed Self Service Portal been done?
When I review the 11.2.2300.07 Release Notes found here:
I see no mention of SSP at all. This is a huge one for me since the sorting, fonts, non resizable nature of SSP simply makes me crazy and if this has not been addressed yet - I may just pass on this until it is addressed.
Appreciate any intel from the field on how your upgrade went, positives or negatives or any other comments.