Weird bug in latest version (10.0.395)

Weird bug in latest version (10.0.395)

Just updated to the latest version as above and most things seem to be working fine and look ok.
I am hitting a strange bug that seems to occur across all browsers and on different machines.

Basically - 
If you search for a computer name using the main search button (greenbox spyglass icon) and type in a machine name and select computer name it will show you the result.
Then click on the computer name and it takes you that computers inventory. If you then click on the search button again and type a different machine and then click on that.... bizarrrely it loads you back to the previous page you were on.

TRied clearing the cache on all the browsers and all the machines and it seems to do the same thing.

Likewise - if for example I'm on scope of monitoring page, click the search button, type the name and then click on the machine name in the search result... it will actually take me back to scope of monitoring.

Please can somebody help!

                New to ADSelfService Plus?