With growing global IT security concerns in mind, ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus On-Demand will be upgrading its SSL certificates from using a weak and aging SHA -1 encryption algorithm to a more secure and latest SHA -256 algorithm. It's time that you upgrade too.
What is SSL Certificate and SHA ?
SSL Certificate (Secure Sockets Layer) is a certificate presented to the browser by a website which encrypts your connection and verifies if you have connected to the right website. SHA is a cryptographic hashing encryption algorithm used by SSL certificates that performs the authentication process. SHA -1 is being used widely and is known for its security vulnerability and mathematical weakness. SHA -256 is a more advanced and secure hashing algorithm developed by NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) to replace SHA -1.
What do I have to do?
Some of the older operating systems (operating system version below Windows XP SP3, OS-X 10.5 and Windows server 2003 SP2 +MS13-095) , browsers and applications do not support SHA -256 and are vulnerable to security threats. So you need to ensure that your IT infrastructure is SHA -256 compatible by installing the latest version of applications, browsers and operating systems. Doing so will help you to seamlessly transit from SHA -1 to SHA -256 benefiting you with a more secure IT environment.
Is it an optional upgrade?
No. Almost all vendors like Microsoft, Google, Mozilla etc have charted out their plans to end support for SHA -1. For example Chrome will end support for SHA -1 tentatively by Feb 10, 2015. Usage of SHA -1 would be depreciated gradually until it becomes obsolete in a few years time.
Accessing ServiceDesk Plus On-Demand will be hassle-free irrespective of whether you upgrade or not, but it is advisable to upgrade your infrastructure and protect yourself from IT security threats.
Here are a few links that would substantiate our upgrade and give you a more clear picture
Supported OS:
https ://support. globalsign .com/customer/portal/articles/1499561- sha -256-compatibility
Roll-out plan by OS and browser vendors:
https ://support. globalsign .com/customer/portal/articles/1447169
Explanation about the vulnerability:
https :// konklone .com/post/why- google -is-hurrying-the-web-to-kill- sha -1
If you have any concerns, please write to us at sdp - ondemand -support@ manageengine .com