Watchguard Firebox X2500

Watchguard Firebox X2500

I am trying to get our Watchguard X2500 to send Syslog messages to the Firewall Analyzer but so far this reports an unrecognised format. I have tried to follow the instructions on exporting the historical reports from the Watchguard but the WELF fomat is not available to me - I have the choice of HTML, NetIQ and text. I am currently using Watchguard's own implementation of logging/traffic monitoring but having experienced the ease of use and excelence of Netflow Analyzer and OPManager, I would hope to see Firewall Analyzer support the Watchguard SysLog format in the future if possible.....

I am using the latest version of Firewall Analyzer and version 7.3 Firebox System Manager.

Thanks - Adrian.

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