Waiting over 24 hours for moderator approval...?!

Waiting over 24 hours for moderator approval...?!

My post "Report on open requests by age" has been awaiting moderator approval for over 24 hours.

What gives? This is not a difficult, complex, or otherwise controversial posting that shouldn't require more than 15 seconds to determine that the post is legitimate and not in need of censorship.

The insistence on moderating all posts (if only those made by new users) is reasonable, but not when there is clearly no regular and timely effort being made to approve new posts. I can understand waiting a day or more for a reply from the help desk or other users, but not for approval just to ask the question in the first place. After all, it's not as if these forums are getting hundreds - or even dozens - of new posts a day that might justify a many-hour delay in approval.

                  New to ADSelfService Plus?