Version 11 and API Client Interface

Version 11 and API Client Interface


I just recently upgraded to the newest version of OpManager. Although we typically do not use the newer API-based UI that's available because it's in beta, one of my users really likes the graphs/reporting functionality it has compared to the regular UI. For some reason, however, when we access the apiclient on v11, some data does not seem to be pulled correctly.

Two obvious examples are:
Under the Inventory section, the categories listing shows that we have 106 servers - "Server (106)", but when I select the Servers category, no servers show up in the list. The header above the table displays "Server (0)". This behavior is expressed in the "Sort by Category", "Sort by Type" and "Sort by Subnets" options. Furthermore, the All Devices category shows zero devices. However, for some reason, All Interfaces reports an appropriate number of available interfaces. For each of these options, I have given the server what I believe to be sufficient time to call the data, so I don't think it's simply an issue with load times.

When looking up reports for a specific object, selecting Servers does show all of our available servers. Selecting a specific server does show all of its available interfaces, but when I finally say to run a report for the past 24 hours, I get an error message saying " No Data Available for the selected period. Please select a different period.  " This is the same regardless of what time period I select. The data, of course, does exist when accessed via the regular UI.

I realize that the newer UI is probably still considered to be in beta, since it is clearly missing a lot of features the normal UI has. However I do know at least these things worked in past versions and wanted to report it.


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