Various Issue in OpManager Implementation

Various Issue in OpManager Implementation

We have recently purchased OpManager Enterprise for our Multi-site implementation. However we keep running into random issues which is seriously hampering our completion goal which we are unable to achieve. Firstly i would like to mention that we are simply using it to monitor via SNMP for network devices. Following random issues we have come across different probes as we have 5 probes with a central server

1. Devices are not being added properly where add device screen shows "Device is added Successfully" however device does not show up in all device list. It becomes auto resolved at different times during the day. This may sound absurd but this is what is happening

2. Graph is not being updated properly and gets stuck every now and then

3. Device shows alarms on dashboard but no alarms exists on Alarms page or on specific device page. I resolve this by deleting the device and rediscovering it which is not a solution and creates issues elsewhere

4. Dependent device goes down and comes back up but its child devices still show dependent unavailable which stops monitoring all its child devices

I have used MSSQL Express (bundled with product) as the database. I have contacted support contact various times but response is not adequate. 

Assistance is greatly required in this matter as we need to get over with our implementation. 

Sajid Abbas
Network Engineer
Aga Khan University

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