Using User Creation Templates for Modify User Templates

Using User Creation Templates for Modify User Templates

So wanted to bring this up to gain some tracking to be a possible user feature request.  I know that you can use a single user creation template, and create a bunch of rules based on a job title/position.  The thing that bugs me about doing it that way and why I chose not to is because with those rules you can't just "copy" a AD user object already created, with all the information, security groups, o365 Licensing already filled out.  Its a VERY manual process.

The route we chose to set up our AD Manager Plus was to create a default user template looking exactly how we wanted it set up, then we copy that use default template, name it after a job title in our organization, and then all we have to do is name the template, add the description AD will have, then modify the license associated with that template.  Now what that does is leaves us with over 320 different user creation templates, but now I see we'll need the same amount (320) for modifying a user which we'll be using for if a person transfers internally from one job to another job title.  

My thought is "why can't we just utilize the user creation template'.  It already knows exactly what license, Title information, Direct Report, o365 Licensing, and Department/Distribution groups that "person" will need, so basically it can "wipe" the current information that user has, and just inherits what that new user creation template already knows, also knowing the user already has a AD user object, license and mailbox in o365, and a remote mailbox on the OnPrem Exchange server.  it seems like a very lacking feature to take what is suppose to help automate your user management process, and requires you to do 640 templates to simplify things going forward.

Also my last question is with the Description field in a user template, is there a variable or something I can set so the Description just inherts the name of the user template so I don't have to manually enter that each and every time.  So my thought is under description have a variable or a "User Template Name" drop down that automatically would enter that field in AD's Description for you without having to "hard code" that information beforehand.

                  New to ADSelfService Plus?