Use Dynamic Groups for Software Deployment / Configuration

Use Dynamic Groups for Software Deployment / Configuration


We'r required to deploy Splunk Universal Forwarder on every windows machines in our infrastructure.
We'd like to automatically deploy the software on all machines that are freshly added to SoM (eg. newly installed servers / clients).
Therefore we configured a dynamic group, which contains all computers that don't have Splunk installed (the check is "Software Name not equal UniversalForwarder").

After that we've created a configuration for deploying the Software and choose the dynamic group as target.

That works once, when configuration is created. Endpoint Central is fetching the targets from the dynamic group.
Also when new computers are added to SoM the dynamic group is updated just fine with the new group members.
However the Deployment configuration is not updated with the new computer, even if the dynamic group is configured as target.
We manually need to modify the configuration (modify --> save) to force EC to fetch the new targets from the dynamic group.

Is this intented? What would be the best practive to automatically deploy software on newly added computers?

Thank you and kind regards

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