Use Case: Receiving email or SMS notification upon password resets

Use Case: Receiving email or SMS notification upon password resets

Description: A notification profile can be configured to receive email, SMS or both using a template if the user's password is reset 
Receiving email or SMS notification upon password resets 
Unauthorized password resets are serious security threats to any network. IT administrators will look for contextual information whenever a password reset happens for critical user accounts and service accounts. Also, to validate the password resets, it is essential that the concerned users get notified whenever their password is reset. However, manually noting down all the password resets, analyzing the context and isolating the critical user account password resets, and validating them is a tough job for every administrator. ADManager Plus automates all the above-said actions and thereby comes handy for IT administrators.  
Learn how to configure notification profile for password resets for critical accounts. 
1.Log into the ADManager Plus web console. 
2.Click on the 'Admin' tab. 
3.Under 'Custom Settings' section in the left navigation pane, select 'Notification Profile' option. 
4.Then click on 'Create New Profile' button on the top right corner. 
5.Enter a suitable 'Profile Name' and 'Description' for the notification profile in the respective fields.  
6.In 'Profile Criteria' section, choose  'Action' from the first drop-down list, choose the connector as 'Is' from the second drop-down list. 
7.Now to provide the actual actions, click on the 'Edit' icon. This will display all the user management actions. Now, in the 'General Attributes' section, choose 'Reset Password' action and click on 'OK'.   
8.Click on the pencil icon that is next to  'Notification Template' to choose an existing template or to create a new template to send notifications via email, SMS, or both. 
9.Click 'OK' and then click 'Save'. 
Note :  
The AD management dialog box has different management actions for you to choose. Click on the preferred option in the left pane.  
Steps to create a new email or SMS notification template.  
1.Click on 'Admin' tab. 
2.Under 'Custom Settings' section the left navigation pane, select 'Notification Profile' option. 
3.Then click on  'Notification Template'  on the top right corner. 
4.Click on 'Create New Template'.   
5.Be sure to provide a suitable name and description for the notification template in the respective fields.  
6.Provide the value for  'Send Notification Via' field by choosing  'Email/SMS/Both' option from the drop-down list. 
7.If you choose only the 'Email' option provide the email address to which the notification has to be sent, in the 'Send Notification to' field. You can either choose the email from the existing list or type in the email address by yourself.  
8.Provide the subject line for the email in 'Subject' field. 
9.In the 'Message' box, type the email content that you wish to send. Make use of the macros that are listed next to the 'Message' field to include specific details related to the triggering action such as the domain in which the action occurred, the time at which it was performed, the technician who performed the action, and more.  
10.Select the 'Attachment' option, and also the desired format (PDF, HTML, XLSX) from the drop-down list, if you wish to send the notification as attachments. If you choose to notify via SMS, choose 'SMS' in the 'Send Notification Via' field and provide the phone number(s) in the  'Send Notification to' field.  
11.Provide the SMS notification text in the 'Message' field. Make use of the macros that are listed next to the 'Message' field to include specific details related to the triggering action such as the domain in which the action occurred, the time at which it was performed, the technician who performed the action, and more. Click 'Save'. 

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