Use-case 3: How To Standardize The Format Of Names In Various Active Directory Naming Fields While Provisioning User Accounts

Use-case 3: How To Standardize The Format Of Names In Various Active Directory Naming Fields While Provisioning User Accounts

A user provisioning technique that standardizes the format in attributes like sAMAccountName and userPrincipalName throughout the organization can be of help.


You can link a naming format with a User Creation Template, that takes inputs from fields like first name, last name, etc. and populate the format for fields like  sAMAccountName, userPrincipalName, mail, etc. A simple approach on provisioning users with this technique follows,

Step 1: To create a naming format, let say "1st letter of the First name + Last name" on sAMAccountName, userPrincipalName, mail, etc. Kindly go to Admin tab --> Naming Format--> Add New Format, to create a new one or use an inbuilt format. 

Step 2: Kindly fill in the Format Name --> choose the AD field(first name ) to pull data from, along with the condition and click on Add--> choose the next AD field(last name), if any and click on Add --> click on Show Advanced to customize it further, if needed and click on Save Template.

Step 3: Kindly go to AD Mgmt --> User Management --> User Creation templates --> Create New Template. Provide the template with a name on Template Name and choose the newly created naming format on the fields of your choice --> fill the rest of the fields you would like to populate during creation and click on Save.

Step 4: Now, kindly go to AD Mgmt --> User Management --> Bulk User Management --> Create Single User. Choose the domain and template. Fill the First name and the Last name, which will automatically populate the rest of the fields as per your configuration on that template. 



Shane Clinton
ManageEngine ADSolutions Team
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