URL Monitoring limitations??

URL Monitoring limitations??


I'm currently evaluating appmanager 6 and got some problems monitoring a URL Sequence. I'm quite used to theese kinds of tools and testet a webapplication I know how to monitor using LoadRunner/Topaz. One of the problems is that it's a .NET form based application using hidden value objects (VIEWSTATE) that have to be posted with each request and uses session cookies.

The URL always fails, because the string I specify does not appear. I can't really tell why it does not appear since there does not seem to be any way to debug a failing URL Monitor (ie the actual response is not shown or logged), or is there?

Further more, does AppManager URL Monitor correctly handle session cookies and large POST variables?

If not, is this better handled in OpManager? There seems to be a 'diffrent' URL Monitor in that application.

Furthermore, is it not possible to use existing scripts/test cases from QEngine in AppManager or OpManager?

Thanks for any insights on otherwise a great tool.

                New to ADSelfService Plus?