Hi All -
I'm having an issue upgrading to a new MSSQL Server. What I did was create a full backup from my 2008 instance and then restore that on 2019.
I then ran the ChangeDBServer.bat and it said everything was successful. However, when SDP goes to start, the following error message is in the logs:
[07:09:17:790]|[08-20-2023]|[SYSERR]|[INFO]|[26]: Caused by: com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerException: Cannot open database "SDP_AMS" requested by the login. The login failed. ClientConnectionId:15c59db6-b52f-426a-b50f-634dff305a34|
I can login to MSSQL Server Management Studio and connect to the database fine.
I"m using Windows Authentication when logging in and doing the same for ChangeDBServer.bat when configuring.
My old DB name was servicedesk but when I restored into the new MSSQL Server, I added it as SDP_AMS.
What could be the issue? Once I get my ticket number I'll update the log directory to bonitas.