Upgraded PM+, since then the agents are not reachable

Upgraded PM+, since then the agents are not reachable

Good afternoon,

I have installed the latest Patch Manager Plus update and since then none of the managed computers (i.e. agents) are reachable anymore with the exception of the server VM itself.

At first there was a mismatch of the agents (can't remember the exact message), so I uninstalled and re-installed the agents manually on each machine after which they were recognized but on trying to scan for missing patches, the agents became unreachable immediately.

The service is started on all of the machines (3 of which are domain computers, one is a non-domain).
The same is true for the linux machines.

All of these were working fine before the last upgrade (ManageEngine_Patch_Manager_Plus_11_SP_2).

What can I do?

Thank you very much.

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