Updating computer description field while running an automation

Updating computer description field while running an automation

I am building an automation to disable all computers that were not active during the last 90 days. As part of this I want to update the description field to the date the computer account was disabled. I have set up an Automation and Automation policy. In the Automation policy I call the script and pass the computer Distinguished name to the script. I have a VBScript located in the script folder of ADManager plus. However the description field is not getting updated. What am I doing wrong?
' VBScript to update the computer description field in Active Directory to the current date

' Specify the computer's distinguished name (DN) or its name
Dim strComputerName
strComputerName = %Distinguised Name% ' Replace with the name of the computer

' Get the current date in the format you want
Dim strCurrentDate
strCurrentDate = Date

' Construct the ADsPath for the computer object
Dim strADsPath
strADsPath = "LDAP://" & strComputerName 
' Create a connection to the computer object
Dim objComputer
Set objComputer = GetObject(strADsPath)

' Update the description field
objComputer.Description = "Disabled by AD360 on " & strCurrentDate

' Clean up
Set objComputer = Nothing

Calling the script in the automation policy:
ComputerDescription.vbs %Distinguished Name%

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