Update Template using CSV with Alternate ID
I'm assuming this will be a feature request but: When updating user accounts, there may be a CSV file from a non-Active Directory system that is the source of updates. Example (and the project) is using AD Manager for Student accounts for a district. As students change grades, teachers and room that data is stored in a student management application. The application uses "Student ID" as the unique identifier.
In creating the accounts, we map "studentID" to "employeeID" and have that set as the unique identifier to avoid creating duplicates. But, day-after-day those students need to be modified. The only unique identifier I have between the student DB application and active directory is the student ID / employeeID. Unfortunately, it looks like AD Manager can't handle alternate unique identifiers for the CSV import in template. Hopefully I am wrong.
I know I can create a powershell script that will merge an export from AD Manager that includes the sAMAccountName (that AD Manager uses) and merge with the export from the student DB but I am creating more and more powershell scripts to modify things that AD Manager should be doing kind of rendering AD Manager questionably useful.
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