Following is the procedure when IP or host-name changes for any monitored host : (Do not delete and re-add the monitor. Instead update the change to the existing monitor) If new IP/Hostname resolves correctly then there shouldn't be issues with updating the same. Also take note all monitors are tied to the host server monitor. So a change in Hostname or IPAddress need to be updated to the host server monitor only.
Note: The current Hostname and IPAddress of a monitor can be confirmed from the Overview tab of monitor under "Monitor Information Section" use "Mouse over function" to display long hostname and see how it is taken.
1.)Unmanage the host server monitor and all other monitors pointing to that host prior to the change.
2.)After the new IP and hostname is in place in your network ,from Applications Manager installed host run below commands and ensure both resolve correctly to the current host details:
nslookup hostname
nslookup IPAddress
3.)Restart Applications Manager once.
4.)After above to 2 commands resolve correctly to the new IP/Hostname. Connect to Applications Manager Web-client-->Monitors Tab-->Windows/Linux/Aix-->List view-->Select the monitor-->Select UpdateIp from drop down-->If there is a new IP then provide that and also select refresh hostname-->Click Apply. If only hostname need to be refreshed just select refresh hostname and it will pick up the correct hostname and IP.
5.)Restart Applications Manager.
Manage the monitors back and check it. from "Monitor Information Section".
6.)For special cases where a host-name resolution could not be established you can use "Replace Host Name with IP Address" option.
If the above step was not followed correctly then it could be mapped to incorrect host-name or IP. Now you need to run the updateHostNameAndIp.bat file from command prompt. Before running the command go to the monitor details page of the monitor and note down the current Hostname/IP exactly as taken under monitor information section.(This will be the Previous Hostname/IP)
Usage : updateHostNameAndIp.bat [Previous HostName/IpAddress] [new HostName/IpAddress] [UpdateHost/UpdateIp]
[Previous HostName/IpAddress] Previous HostName or IpAddress which is to be changed
[new HostName] new HostName or IpAddress
[UpdateHost/UpdateIp] If you want to updatehostname, use option UpdateHost. If you want to update IpAddress, then use option UpdateIp
For updating Hostname:
updateHostNameAndIp.bat paulpjacobold paulpjacobnew UpdateHost
For Updating IP
updateHostNameAndIp.bat 192.168.X.10 192.168.X.11 UpdateIp
Note: Run the command only for once with the exact old and new values. Restart Applications Manager after any change.
Thanks & Regards,
Paul Jacob