Upcoming enhancements in Requests, Zia,Asset, CMDB in ServiceDesk Plus Cloud

Upcoming enhancements in Requests, Zia,Asset, CMDB in ServiceDesk Plus Cloud

Dear Users,


We are elated to announce the upcoming enhancements in Requests, Zia,Asset, CMDB in SDP Cloud.Below is a brief run-through of the same.


Request Last Updated By

Requests now support Last Updated By field and can be viewed when added to request template. It is also supported in Reports, Zoho Analytics, Automations, Field and Form Rules, and Notifications

Polish Support for Zia

Zia AI now supports field predictions in Polish.


ALC Barcode Form Enhancements

Scan multiple barcodes and populate multiple fields in one go while adding assets. 

Other Enhancements in Assets

The following fields have been added to asset export: created by, created time, last updated by, and last updated time.New network adapter types namely APN , LTE, and 5G have been added under Network Adapter Details > Type.

Sync Rule Enhancements

  • Execute sync rules on all CIs from Setup > Customization > CMDB > Sync Rules.

  • The following actions can be performed on assets via sync rules: 1.Create asset from CIs. 2.Delete asset when CI is deleted

  • Users can also be synced into CMDB as CIs via sync rules.

  • Assets and CIs can be synced bidirectionally via sync rules.

List View Filters for CMDB and Other Enhancements

Custom Menu for CMDB

Custom menu is now available for the CMDB module. You can configure actions for a custom menu by using a custom function or by invoking a URL, and execute it on CMDB CIs. To create a custom menu for CMDB, go to Setup > Developer Space > Custom Menu > CMDB. 


General Enhancements

  • View contracts associated with a CI from the Associations tab in the CI details page.

  • The number of CI types in CMDB is increased to 200.

  • CMDB lookup fields now support CMDB.

  • Mandate additional fields for CI types.

  • Filter and sort the history of custom modules based on operations, fields, and dates.

 Note : All upgrades and feature releases, will be in-service and there won't be any downtime or service interruption.

Stay tuned for more updates!!! We will update here once these upgrades are unwrapped in live

Please share your thoughts/queries/feedback.

For more information , kindly refer to https://www.manageengine.com/products/service-desk/cloud/pre-release-notes.html

Thanks and regards,

Ramyaa Raj

ServiceDesk Plus Cloud

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