Navigation & Footer Settings
You can now reorder and change the visibility of navigation tabs and footer menus for technicians and requesters under Setup > General Settings > Navigation & Footer Settings.
Drag the tabs/menus to rearrange them.
Hover over the tab/menu and click to change its visibility.
Group navigation tabs under the More tab.
Customize the asset list view based on criteria by applying custom filters.
Configured custom views will be listed in the filter drop-down.
Mark the frequently used filters as Favorites.
Use ChatGPT to automate the request approval process. ChatGPT can now predict approval actions for requests based on the reply emails sent by approvers and auto-apply the predicted action to requests.
ChatGPT can predict Approve, Reject, or Need more info actions.
Enable this configuration under Setup > Apps & Add-ons > Integrations > Third-Party Integrations > ChatGPT.
Enabling Auto Approval (Request) in the ChatGPT configuration page will disable Zia's auto approval and vice-versa.
The notification content for Zia auto approval is modified.
Modified Content: Based on your reply to the email, Zia has taken the approval action.
Announcement Comments
Technicians can now add comments to announcements. They can add public or private comments. If the "Show this comment to the requester" option is selected, it will be a public comment. Otherwise it will be Private.Announcement Template
Administrators can configure templates for predefined announcements.Announcement Permission
Administrators can now provide announcement permissions when creating a new role.Report Generation for Announcements
Users can now generate detailed reports on announcements made within the application and get valuable insights into engagement, views, and interactions.Audit log for announcement admin configurations
An audit log is now available to track changes done to announcement admin configurations.Announcement Type and Template in Sandbox
Announcement Type and Announcement template are added as deployable configurations in Sandbox.Enhancements:
Dashboard Enhancements
Activities dashboard under Dashboards > Canned Dashboards helps technicians track activities related to requests and tasks.Table widget - Displays module data in the list view or template view format. Technicians can configure actions that can be performed from the widget.
Graph widget - Displays module data as different graphs.
Summary chart in graph widgets allows users to view the summary count for various data sources in requests and tasks modules.
The Smart-view UI makes it easy for users to access the details of the records in the table and graph widgets.
Scheduler Enhancements for Maintenance Module
Maintenance Scheduler UI has been revamped for better usability.
Click Tasks in the Maintenance details page to add, edit, and view tasks associated with Maintenance.
While generating reports, technicians can now include scheduler information like Next Schedule and Frequency for Request Maintenance and Change Maintenance.
Field and Form Rules configured for Requests and Changes will apply to Request Maintenance and Change Maintenance.
Labels will be shown in the details page header for Completed/Failed Maintenances.
State based icons are added in the Details Page header if the Maintenance State is other than active.
The following fields are added to the RHS pane after calendar
Frequency: Indicates frequency as Once, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or Yearly.
Next Schedule: Indicates the scheduled date for the next maintenance.
Repeats: Indicates when maintenance will be repeated.
Ends: Indicates whether maintenance ends after or ends on a particular date.
A Maintenance column is added to the Archived Requests list view to indicate if the request has maintenance associated with it.
The Requests From Maintenance filter is added to Archived Requests list view displaying all archived requests created from Maintenance.
When a request or change creation fails, the respective technicians will be notified, and a log will be added to History with the Request Creation Failed or Change Creation Failed reason as description.
When a Maintenance template containing Tasks copied from Template is changed, a popup is displayed to delete or retain tasks.
Problem Dashboard Enhancements
Problem Dashboard
You can now add the following widgets to the Problem Dashboard.
Problems Without Update
Problems Overview
Services Affected vs Status
Problem Created Time is added to problem fields.
Custom date fields are now supported in Problem Timer.
Problem Association in the Solution module has been updated to Referred in Problems.
Sandbox is now enabled for problem admin actions.
Widgets named Open are renamed as Pending.
Releases Dashboard
Platform enhancements
Bot Commands - Actionable Card
Announcement Enhancements
Banner Scheduling
Announcements will be displayed on the banner based on the scheduled start and end dates instead of creation time.Persistent Banner Display
Keep announcements visible on the banner until the scheduled expiration time using the keep banner until expiry option.Module Associations
Maintain associations between announcements and modules such as Requests, Changes, Problems, and Releases. For instance, you can create an announcement for request that has been fixed.Group-Specific Announcements
Publish announcements exclusively for user groups or technician groups.UI Enhancements
New Banner Design
The banner design has been revamped for better usability.Announcement Details
Reports on Task Comments
Business rules for change
Business rules can now be applied to change records. It can be used to configure field updates and execute custom actions or abort process executions on changes that meet the set criteria. You can trigger a business rule when a change record is created, edited, or deleted.Solution Enhancements
Solutions must be approved before they can be published.
The "Publish" option will only be available for approved solutions.
New Keyboard shortcuts
Included additional keyboard shortcuts.Note: All upgrades and feature releases, will be in-service and there won't be any downtime or service interruption.
Stay tuned for more updates!! We will update here once these upgrades are unwrapped in live.
Please share your thoughts/queries/feedback.
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Thanks and Regards,
ServiceDesk Plus Cloud Team