Uninstall software package downloads installer again

Uninstall software package downloads installer again

We have a software package with one 1.8GB self-extracting zip file that un compresses to a path location on a windows system using 7-Zip. This has been published to the self-help portal and installs fine.

Locate installable: From Local Computer
2021.exe (1.8 G)

Install Command with Switches/Arguments:
"C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" x 2021.exe -o"C:\Program Files\2021"

Uninstall Command with Switches/Arguments:
rmdir /s /q "C:\Program Files\2021"

When selecting uninstall on the self service portal the 1.8G file is downloaded again to the client system even though it has nothing to do with the uninstall. The uninstall fails after the download saying it "can not find the file specified" vs. running the command I told it to run. 

If you leave the Uninstall Command blank and only use Post-Deployment Activities to run commands the uninstall fails because "the parameter is incorrect".

  1. Option to not use the attached installable file when uninstalling so there is not a 2nd download to remove the program. 
  2. Allow commands not related to the attached installable file in the "Uninstall Command with Switches/Arguments" field, or skip the field if blank and run Pre / Post - Deployment Activities.

Thank You for your Time and Energy.

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