[SOLVED] Unable to pass reason via rest api to aquire password

[SOLVED] Unable to pass reason via rest api to aquire password


I am trying to get the password for an account via the restapi of password manager pro but I am unable to pass the reason in a way the api would accept it.

  1. curl -X GET -k -H "Content-Type: text/json" -H "AUTHTOKEN: <hidden>" https://testing123.uk/restapi/json/v1/resources/52242/accounts/56759/password --data-urlencode 'INPUT_DATA={"operation":{"Details":{"REASON":"Need the password to Login Windows Server"}}}'

  2. {"operation":{"result":{"message":"Reason required to fetch password","status":"Failed"},"name":"GET PASSWORD"}}%
I am pretty sure I did everything like the documentation mentioned it. 
Is there some trick that I am missing.

I would be really really happy if somebody could give me a hint.

Thank you very very much

Edit: We are on version 12.2.0  build 12220

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