Unable to "Discovery Accounts"

Unable to "Discovery Accounts"

Password Manager Pro - 11.0 Build:  11004
I am new to using Password Manager Pro and I am working on setting up resources and attempting to test out the discovery of accounts, which then will roll into testing the automatic reset of the passwords.
In my environment I have configured the service account for password manager pro as a domain admin.
I have discovered a few resources from my domain using the "Discovery Resources" and utilizing the same domain admin account mentioned above, and clicking "Fetch Groups & OU's".
When these servers (Resources) are imported the local administrator accounts are not imported/discovered with them.  When I attempt to "Discover Accounts", and then check the audit history, I am presented with;
Operation Type:   Account Discovery Failed
Reason:  <Blank>

I have logged into the Password Manager Pro server with the service account and run the following script to verify that the account and PMP account and server could access the accounts on the Discovered resource.
cscript listuseraccounts.vbs "dnsname of one windows server from which the accounts did not get imported" "domainname\username" "password"
The results came back as expected, which was that it discovered the administrator account on the specific Machien.. 

I don't understand what I am missing in order to discover the resources and accounts via the GUI.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

                New to ADManager Plus?

                  New to ADSelfService Plus?