Unable to Deploy Master Image (Sorry about the duplication)

Unable to Deploy Master Image (Sorry about the duplication)

Hi, I just came across your product and currently attempting to use the trial version to test it out for potential purchase. However i'm running into some issues when setting up your software. i'm to the point of been able to capture master image from a workstation etc but i'm not able to deploy that master image to a different workstation. I'm doing all this from a virtual environment using vmware 8.0. I have Sever 2008 SE setup which includes a DC, DHCP and DNS all on that one server, i also installed (1) ManageEngine License Server  (2) ManageEngine OS Deploy Server (3) ManageEngine OS Deployer Management Console (4) ManageEngine PXE server on that same Virtual 2008 SE server. I’m not to sure if there is a limitation with the trial version which would not allow me to deploy the said master image or is it that I require some sort of third party software to complete such a task. I'm able to PXE the virtual station and it load up the window that gives me the choice of Master Image Creator or  OS Deployer Agent.. When i select OS Deployer Agent it loads and sticks at a screen that says *processing please wait* i have left it like that for hrs and it does not move from that screen. Am i doing something wrong , i would really like to figure the pxe aspect of things before i venture unto the media aspects of things .. any suggestions would be great .. By the way the master image is Windows7 ...
Please advise for I find your software base on what I have read to be very good, just need to know more about the setup and how to set it up correctly.

Your assistance would be appreciated.


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