Unable to connect to server - RPC server is unavailable error
Hi all.
I have tried every possible solution from forum w/o success.
ELA is working with 3 servers in total, it can gather logs from itself and the second server but from third it fails.
Error that I receive is RPC server is unavailable.
I have tried to connect on that server from the server where ELA is installed with wbemtest but w/o success, while the second one works.
Error that I'm receiving in wbemtest is:
Number: 0x800706ba
Facility: Win32
Description: The RPC server is unavailable.
This server was working like it should and just suddenly stopped to work with this error.
I have tried to delete it from domain, rejoin it, reinstalled it, but still same problem.
I'm starting to suspect that AD server on which ELA is installed is corrupted.
Please advise.
New to ADSelfService Plus?