Translate NetFlow Analyzer to your local language
The framework that supports localization has been put in place in NetFlow Analyzer 4.0.2 (build 4020). The local version of this product is currently available for Chinese and Japanese. Translation to French is underway right now.
We welcome third party translators to help in this process. This would involve about 500 to 600 strings to be translated from English to your local language.
What do you have to do:
1. Send a mail to and mention the language you are willing to translate to.
2. We will check if translation is in process for your particular language and send you instructions for installing the trial version and testing your translation.
3. You can complete the translation and send us back the translated file.
Please note that your translation would be included as part of the product in the subsequent release after our testing process.
What do you get:
1. We will offer you a discount of US$ 500 when you buy NetFlow Analyzer.
2. We will acknowledge your contribution in the Translation Credits section in
Please let us know if you have any questions.
PS: We will keep this post updated with the list of tranlations that have been completed / that are in progress.
Tranlation completed
1. Chinese
2. Japanese
Translation in progress
1. French
2. Dutch
3. German
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