Totel volume per host in IP group source/destination reports

Totel volume per host in IP group source/destination reports

I want to run a report against an IP group that will give me the total volume of traffic (Inbound and outbound) for the top N hosts in that IP group for the time period that the report is run for (In this case the last month). When I run a source report for this IP group for the last month, the totals for each host are much lower than would be expected. What data is being used to display this? It appears that most of the volume is being lumped into the others category. From reading some of the other posts in this forum, it seems like you are just displaying totals for the top 50 or 100 conversations involving each host in the list. If this is true, why do I see 454 conversations when clicking down into a particular host?

Assuming that you are not displaying totals for all conversations involving each host, I don't quite understand how the information that you are displaying would be useful. Will this be fixed or changed in NFA6?

Another gripe... When looking at source or destination IP group reports, I cannot select inbound, outbound or both. Why is this?

                New to ADSelfService Plus?