Protecting reports exported from ADSelfService Plus with a password

Protecting reports exported from ADSelfService Plus with a password

ADSelfService Plus lets admins generate and export several built-in reports that provide important information on user accounts and passwords, self-service actions, identity verification, enrollment, and much more. Since these reports might have sensitive information, it is essential to implement security measures, such as encrypting them with a password before sharing, to ensure regulatory compliance.

Follow the instructions below to ensure all exported reports are password-protected:

  1. Log into ADSelfService Plus with administrator credentials and navigate to Admin > Security and Privacy > Privacy Settings > Data Security.


  1. Under Enable password protection for, select Scheduled and exported reports.

  2. In the text field, set the password to secure all reports exported from ADSelfService Plus.


 Note: The password must meet the following requirements:   
  •  Must contain at least 1upper case character. 
  •  Must contain at least 1 lower case character. 
  •  Number of numerals to include: 1. (or) Must contain at least 1 number. 
  •  Maximum length should not exceed 16 characters. 
  •  Must not be a palindrome. 
  •  Must not contain any unicode characters. 
  •  Minimum length should be at least 8 characters. 
  •  Number of special characters to include: 2. (or) Must include 2 special characters. 
  •  Must not repeat any character more than 2 times consecutively. 

  1. Click Save Settings.


 Note: Scheduled and exported reports can be viewed only by entering the correct password. The password set here will be used by all technicians to view the reports. 

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