Timezone issues

Timezone issues

I've done as suggested in another topic but the issue still persists. My time zone is portuguese (same as london).
Below are the results of both operations.
As far as i can tell the time zone is only wrong at the display of tickets creation date as in the reports and at the top right corner the dates show ok.
Any ideas on how it can be solved? Bellow is also a screenshot of a ticket just created.
Manuel Sousa
C:\ManageEngine\ServiceDeskPlus-MSP\jre\bin>java -jar tzupdater.jar -u -v
java.home: C:\ManageEngine\ServiceDeskPlus-MSP\jre
java.vendor: Sun Microsystems Inc.
java.version: 1.5.0_11
JRE time zone data version: tzdata2011k
Embedded time zone data version: tzdata2011k
You have the same version as the embedded one.

C:\ManageEngine\ServiceDeskPlus-MSP\jre\bin>java -cp time.jar Time
TimeZone sun.util.calendar.ZoneInfo[id="Europe/London",offset=0,dstSavings=36000
TimeZone Europe/London


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