Time Zone issue

Time Zone issue

1. Download the attached time.jar.txt ,rename the attachment to Time.jar and place the file under [SDPMSP-HOME]\jre\bin folder.

2. Reset the timezone on the ServiceDesk Plus MSP server to a different timezone and also change the service of ServiceDesk Plus MSP to Manual.

3. Restart the server and then execute the time.jar as follows :

cmd>[SDPMSP-HOME]\jre\bin>java -cp time.jar Time

output of the result may look like .. ( below is output is from a Australian customer )

TimeZone sun.util.calendar.ZoneInfo[id="Australia/Sydney",offset=36000000,dstSavings=3600000,useDaylight=true,




offset=36000000 ( which is GMT +10hrs ), and dstSavings=3600000 which is 1hr daylight saving time.

This has to return the timezone that has been set through step 2.

4. If the timezone thus given by Time.jar is different, then proceed to step 5 else proceed to step 9

5. Reset the timezone back to the original timezone.

6. Download the latest Timezone fix (tzupdater.zip) from http://java.sun.com/javase/downloads/index.jsp ( It needs registration and it is free ).

7. Extract the tzupdater.jar from the downloaded zip file under [SDPMSP-Home]\jre\bin and execute the following command

[ It is important that, these steps are to be carried out with the jre version which is part of our SDPMSP application ]

cmd>SDPMSP_HOME\jre\bin>java -jar  tzupdater.jar -u -v 

output of the above looks like..

TimeZone Australia/Sydney

java.home: C:\ManageEngine\ServiceDeskPlus-MSP\jre

java.vendor: Sun Microsystems Inc.

java.version: 1.5.0_11

JRE time zone data version: tzdata2011h

Embedded time zone data version: tzdata2009a

(NOTE : above value is taken from an Australian customer and this need not be same for all the customers, this would differ based on different time zones )

If there is any difference in the JRE time zone data version and Embedded time zone data version, then they have to change the time accordingly in the server machine and then restart the machine and do the same step to check the output.

8. Now execute the time.jar as in step 3 and the resultant timezone thus obtained should be the same as the timezone of the server.

9. Reset the ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus MSP service as automatic and start the application.

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