Time spent report - Summary Report

Time spent report - Summary Report

The timespent SUMMARY report does not give correct results when you choose to summarize the columns by 'SUM' of 'TIME SPENT' ... the numbers are WAY off ... seems to be calculating Elapsed times (Time created - Time closed) ... I though that the time spent is derrived from the sum of 'Time Taken To Resolve' entered in the WORK LOGS.

It DOES report the correct values if you choose to Summarize by 'Count' of Requests.

We are testing and this is a major feature that we require so that we are able to properly bill our customers.

Alternatively ... can you please provide a Query that will do that for us???

I want to be able to get a summary grid for time spent by Account / Site / Technicans.

                New to ADSelfService Plus?