Time calculations are calendar time not business time

Time calculations are calendar time not business time

So for "Time to Assign in Hrs", "Time to respond in Hrs" and similar calculations, I notice it seems to be taking a count of calendar hours versus business hours.

 So if I set (in Service Desk Plus) a 10 hour business day from 8-5, and a ticket is opened on a Friday at 6pm and assigned on the following Monday at 9AM, the Hrs to Assign will not be the 1 hour the business was open, but instead the almost 63 hours from Friday-Monday.

I understand the math, but is there not a way to calculate those times in the stated business hours or at least have an option or additional fields? So either an option to show business hours or calendar hours or even additional fields like "Business Hrs to Assign" and 'Time to respond in Business Hrs" would be ideal.

The current math just adds an exponential increase to the charts and metrics.



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